In order to minimize the possible risks that the company may suffer such as sanctions, contingencies, fines and of course reputational damages, legal services are provided in terms of compliance or prevention, based on international standards and planning structures, development, verification schemes. performance and improvement aimed at seeking the effectiveness of the compliance management system within the company or organization where it is implemented.
For this, we incorporate figures established in laws and regulations currently enforced in Mexico, in areas such as criminal, administrative and corporate law, among others, with the purpose of preventing that our clients´ actions, whether they are natural persons or legal persons, generate responsibilities because of their failure to implement due control, thereby preventing consequences of a criminal, anti-corruption, fiscal, anti-laundering, personal and labor nature.
Furthermore, mechanisms are provided to our clients to guarantee and safeguard their interests through the recommendation and implementation of controls, such as good corporate governance structures, integrity, transparency, ethics and, of course, regulatory compliance.
Under these conditions, this firm carries out compliance advice consisting of:
• Diagnostics in Compliance.
• Implementation of Compliance: Anti-corruption, criminal, human rights, labor, tax, money laundering prevention, personal data.
• Analysis of legal risks.
• Implementation of a complaint channel.
• Training to the organization in Compliance.
• Compliance audits.
• Experts studies on Compliance.